domingo, 2 de noviembre de 2008

Robert, Robert and more Robert

This post goes for the people who have read the english translated version of the interview we posted on 

Before saying anything, thanks for reading it and all the great comments I've read so far, I wish I had enough time to translate this entire site but I just can't but what's written in spanish behind this post is a description of my experience with Robert...I'm a journalist and a big fan of his too, so you can imagine what it was like. 

But now, let's go to the point.

I just found out in different websites where they posted the interview with Robert we made that there are some doubts about what he've said about the things he would change in Twilight. I decided that I will post the interview as soon as possible in its original language, but since it is not my own interview but other journalists where there asking as well, I can't post it if not in Noticontactos. So, I pretty much just want to tell you exactly what he said in that question, cause it has been translated so many times it makes no sense at all anymore. So here's what he said when someone asked him about what he would change in the story:

"I dunno, I mean...when something already exists all I was thinking about is how do I understand every single step of the story so I like trying to understand the steping stones between everything and not -oh, I just wanna change this-.You know, one thing I like and how I wanted to play it in the movie is as if Edward and Bella would never ever touched." ever...hmmm...but no one let me do that hahaha"

Hope this literal transcription helps you to understand better what he've said. I obviously wasn't able to translate it literally from english to spanish, so that might have made it a bit confussing. 

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